You know how they say, you'll never meet the man of your dreams at a bar......well I did. I dont advise others to go hauling ass down to their local hole in the wall to check out men however. I got lucky. You see a girl I had been working with decided my life wasnt exciting enough, I never went out, and I just needed to meet people. So after weeks of pleading with me I finally decided to go watch
her boyfriends band play, after we watched his new independant film. The film was horrible, thank goodness I actually stayed for the band performance because she introduced me to this short guy named Buzz. (family nickname) So he lived near me and had a lot of similar interests like (sorry for the honesty) the band Incubus being a favorite and smoking pot. So here it begins, I invite him to smoke a joint in my car and we jammed some Incubus "Warning". That was the start of a very long and complicated friendship and eventual love affair.
So we started hanging out daily. He worked about 2 minutes from my apartment and I was more than willing to do anything to get him to come over! Cook dinner, give him free booze, and free smoke. Man I was desperate. Let me stop there, I should really give you a little background. Buzz is 23 years old at this time, 5'7", weighs 140lbs dripping wet, and he quite the looker. I was in the most akward phase of my life on the other hand. At 22 I am also 5'7" but at that time I was tipping the scales at about 200lbs. Ouch. I also dyed my hair an aweful straw blonde, I butchered my eyebrows, and well I had no idea how to apply makeup. So we were best friends.
Yes this drove me nuts, because to top it off he slept in my bed with me. Yes, yes, i know. All of Buzzs friends were convinced we were actually sleeping together (in the biblical sense) and all my friends were convinced he is gay. Lol. None of our friends were right. I introduced him to my parents and family, he was my best friend. A best friend I would give my left arm to be intimate with!!! But alas it didnt happen, and after 5 months of getting nowhere, I started dating someone. That guy, well f*ck that guy. After I eventually ended it with that one, I found myself dialing Buzz's number. What I failed to mention was that I lost all that cursed weight and got back down to 140lbs. :) Of course I had a feeling that Buzz may be more receptive to me now.
I was right. We started dating within the week and were two peas in a pod for months. Ok, back then we did a lot of drinking and hanging out at bars. No wonder it didnt last, we were always drunk! Well when it ended Buzz was 24 and I was 23. It was a drunken night I dont quiet recall so no juicy story here!
Five months later I was drug to a birthday party, that I knew Buzz would be at. I had a friend as a sheild (Buzz broke my heart!) who I told not to leave me. What a bitch. (Just kidding!) She left me alone with him!!!! Well she knew what she was doing because before the end of the night we were shacked up. After several break ups and make ups we finally got it to work. We are now 29 and he is nearly 30. Wow, the twists and turns that life throws at us.
So that our story, for the most part. I have a lot more to say, but I will stop there for now. This blog is to share the unique and interesting journey that is my life. I hope that this blog will bring a smile to your face and chuckle to your belly, and every now and again a tear to your eye. This is the life of Buzz.......