Miggitys Story
So my beautiful 11 year old kitty, Miggity, was diagnosed with kidney disease last September. She is an amazing tuxedo kitty, with dalmation pattern too! We have been giving her fluids 3x a week since her diagnosis. I have had this entire time to prepare myself for her eventual exit of this world, but I dont know that it has made it any easier. I got her from a rescue organization that apparently had her mother as well. Both cats had a unique polka-dot pattern in their coats. I have NEVER seen a cat like this before. Her personality won me over, she wasnt a fluffly little kitten, she was a few months older, so at first I wanted the little fluffy kitten. As soon as I met this kitty I knew she was going to be mine. Cat haters have loved this cat, she is vocal and sweet, she will come introduce herself to any guest in the house. She loves to watch birdies and loves catnip! I have never met a cat that is this loving and sociable. Her bright green eyes are so expressive, and they way she actually likes to have her butt spanked is unlike any other feline I know. She used to play fetch when she was a kitten, it was the funniest thing! I know that lots of people are thinking about her and sending good vibes her way! She is a lucky kitty to have so many people caring about her well being. She already has made it longer than I thought possible as she is a fighter. She was a 13lb cat in her good days, and is now weighing about 9 lbs, give or take.
I know I am not the first person to lose a pet, a family member, a child. I just wanted to share with all of you how much I love this cat and how much she means to me. When the day comes that she looses her battle with the disease will probably the saddest day of my life, to date. I hope her spirit lives on in this family and I meet her again one day...
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